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Home Herbs Remedies - How to heal with herbs

Forget all the processed powders and pass to the real thing - herbs.
Eat them, drink them and heal with their help. Here is our Winning team of Herbs.

Once, before the era of the various soup powders, fresh herbs had a constant presence in every self-respecting kitchen. Except aroma and special taste, grandmothers knew how to make from them all kinds of magic potions and Remedies against all kinds of ailments.
The fast food generation Almost abandoned Them Totally until recent research proved what was known before in the past - these herbs Remedies are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, anti-bacterial materials, and ingredients that enhance the immune system.

Those components are helping to reduce the risk of disease, such as cancer, heart, stroke, cataracts, retinal degeneration, diabetes and even dementia (dementia) and more.
In addition, the use of herbs reduces the use of salt and high-sodium seasoning powder, which is especially important news for those who suffer from high blood pressure.

Every Herb with his unique gift. It is recommended to use different herbs, since each plant contains a unique combination of elements that do our body only good. The following herbs should be included in your menu becuse of their powerful Remedies. Consume them fresh.
That will earn you a higher levels of antioxidants.

The Champions of weeds!
That is how you Prepare the winner infusion of herbs Remedies !
Let's Say you want to make a healthy winning infusion, which herbs you choose? USDA conducted a study that examined the total antioxidant activity in a variety of herbal food groups: vegetables, herbs, roots and tubers fruits, legumes, nuts and grains. The study showed two things. First, there is a gap of the Magnitude order of 1,000 times in the antioxidant content between plants of different food groups. Herbs were relatively the richest source of antioxidants, even when consuming them in small quantities. Second, five herbs were champions in terms of the amount of antioxidants which are: oregano, sage, mint, thyme and lemon balm.

One of the strongest home herbs remedies!
Extremely rich in antioxidants, a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Helps prevent fungal infections, improving digestion and relieving cough. It has anti-cancer clout thanks to a flavonoid phytochemicals. Chinese medicine use in the relief of fever, diarrhea and jaundice.
Care Tip: cough or suffer from indigestion? Brew five fresh oregano leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes and drink.

Contains large amounts of antioxidants and many phytochemicals with anti-bacterial activity. Previously used to stop producing Mother Breast milk.
Care Tip: suffering from throat infections or gum? Sage leaves chewed or prepared infusion of 5-4 leaves in a glass of boiling water, and rinse your mouth when you suspend the liquid in your mouth as long as possible.

Contains large amounts of antioxidants and antibacterial components. Patients receiving large doses of it, significantly improved cognitive ability and become more relaxed. Lemon balm also increases the activity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with memory and learning.
Care Tip: You feel herpes wound begins to emerge over the lips? Prepare an infusion of 5 Melissa leaves in a cup of boiling water. cool it up. Dip some cotton wool in it and soaked in the wound several times a day.

One of the most known and used home remedies.
Rich in vitamin C (40% recommended daily dose of 100 grams), fiber and iron. A high antioxidant capacity. Studies show it may help reduce the risk of cancer and asthma sufferers relief. In addition, a large clinical study examined the mint oil (combined with plant Singles) found that it has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal pain.
Care Tip: have a fever? Sweating? According to Chinese medicine, mint leaves have cooling  effect. Brew 5 leaves in boiling water, chill and drink.

Contain salicylates, natural herbal ingredients like aspirin, anti-inflammatory
 And phytoestrogens. Very rich in vitamins (C, A, and B vitamins), minerals (especially iron) and fiber. It contains thymol, a vegetarian component possesses anti-bacterial and antiseptic.
Care Tip: cough? 10 Thyme leaves brew in a cup boiling water, and drink the infusion three times a day.

Rich with lutein pigment which is antioxidantal action especially important for eye health, contains anti-bacterial and rich in vitamins, especially vitamin K essential for blood clotting process (deficiency associated with osteoporosis and arterial calcification and heart disease). Basil is also helping control blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Care Tip: Been stung or the itching gets you out of your mind? Attach basil leaf fingering irritated area.

Rich in potassium. Contains the flavonoid family of phytochemicals and D-limonene. Flavonoids act as antioxidants, and Hlimonn contributes to reduce the risk of certain cancers. A U.S. study found tarragon contains six known components reduces blood pressure.
Care Tip: suffer from lack of appetite? Add tarragon to your food. IT will open Your mouth and mainly your appetite.

Rich in antioxidants called carotenoids that contribute to reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease and blood vessels, and lutein helps eye health. It also contain Kvartzitin that is an anti-inflammatory. it is also rich source of potassium, beta - carotene and folic acid.
Care Tip: stomach hurts? Brew teaspoon coriander seeds in a glass of boiling water and drink.

Contains a high amount of antioxidants. Louisa served as a folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal disorders, throat infections and urinary tract infections.
Care Tip: suffer from insomnia? Brew 4 Louisa leaves in boiling water and drink before bed Time.

Is a rich source of vitamins, especially K (100 g parsley has 1562% the recommended daily dose for an adult) and vitamin C (166% at 100 g), which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes complications. Parsley also rich in potassium and magnesium. Potassium contributes to changing virtues (what is good against fluid retention), and both help to reduce the risk of Blood pressure. It is also rich in lutein, and phytochemicals that block a variety of cancer-related hormonal activities.
Care Tip: suffering from edemas? Brew some parsley in boiling water for 10 minutes and drink. infusion will cause increased urination. Important: Drink 2-1 cups of infusion a day to prevent dehydration.

Contains a Plenty of protected materials on the one hand dietary fiber, vitamins (A, C, group B, and K) and minerals (iron, potassium, zinc, and magnesium) and on the other hand, sulfur compounds and antioxidants Kvartzitin and allicin. Last helps delay the development of various cancers and lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Care Tip: your cholesterol is sky high? Add fresh asphodel to your food.

This is one of my favorable home remedies!
Contains antioxidants that help improve cognitive function. This herb encourages the activity of acetylcholine. Due to the antibacterial properties, rosemary also used  for food preservation and the treatment of asthma, allergy and hair loss. Rosemary tea is used to increase perspiration and as a strong aid to stop bleeding wound.
Tip Treatment: Caught Cold? Got a headache / stomach? Brew 7-5 rosemary leaves in a glass of boiling water, sweetened with honey, suspended about 3 minutes and drink.

Contain substances known to delay tumors evolving and a cancer preventive properties. Is a source of vitamins, especially vitamin C (106% of the recommended daily dose of 100 grams) and minerals, particularly iron (83% of the recommended daily dose of 100 grams).


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