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5 weird tricks to help you lose weight

Sniff a Banana?
5 weird tricks to help you about how to lose weight and solve your weight loss issues.

Eat in a blue plates, place a mirror in front of the dining table and tie a ribbon around your waist.
During the weight loss process, you should use some unconventional methods that might help you save your diet.

If you recently started a weight loss plan, you're probably familiar with all the conventional advice: eat three large meals and two to three small ones, do exercise and drink plenty of water. But why not show you should also take a photo of what you eat and also why prefer blue plates for your food?

Try some unconventional methods to help you reduce the level of appetite and stop just before you get carried away with eating too much;

1. Sniffing a banana, apple or pepper

You may feel silly at first, but this advice is certainly useful: U.S. study of 3000 patients found that as people sniff the food before Eating, they become less hungry, and able to lose more extra weight - 13.5 pounds each.
One possible explanation of the researchers is that sniffing the food tricks the brain and causes him to think he is already within the eating process from the food, without adding real calories.

2. Hang a mirror in front of the dinning table

Study found that eating in front of mirrors reduces by almost 33% the amount of food we consume. Apparently, when we eat as we look at ourselves we are reminded of the goals we set for ourselves and the weight goal we aspire to.

3. Serve food in a blue plates

There is a good reason you will not see many restaurants which are decorated in shades of blue: the color is attributed to the ability to reduce appetite.
If you want to eat less, Serve food in a blue dishes, wear blue clothing at dinner and deploy a blue tablecloth on the table.
Accordingly, you should avoid colors like red, yellow and orange, which studies show as appetizing colors.

4. Take a photo of what you eat

Instead of managing eating Diary - Picture your plate and file the image according to the date on the computer or phone.
When you look at what you've eaten throughout the day, it will make you think and evaluate better if you consume reasonable quantities and proper nutritious food.
When you know you have to shoot (Take a Photo) the giant salad that been ordered by you a moment ago, maybe you will insist less on the extra sauce or cheese. The photograph will be a kind of visual reminder of the weight loss process which you have committed yourself to  and help you stop eating before you get carried away.

5. Tie a ribbon around the waist

Rumor has it that French women ties a ribbon around their waist, under the clothing, Before they go out to dinner. The ribbon makes them be aware of the belly, so they refrained from filling it abnormally and feel the Ribbon is  stretched and strengthened which will be a reminder of the weight loss goal.


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