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Green is Healthy for the whole body : 14 reasons to eat a cucumber

If you feel like nibble a vegetable - it is better that it be a cucumber. It is rich in minerals needed for the skin , in water preventing dehydration , beneficial fiber that help diet and a variety of other ingredients that contribute to health kidneys , joints, and our blood pressure . All the right reasons to convince you to add it to the salad, yogurt , or to a refreshing shake

Cucumber is one of the most recommended vegetables for maintaining health , and is often considered as a Super Food . " What exactly it does to our body ?

One . Prevent dehydration

If you are too busy during the day to drink enough water , be sure to at least eat cucumber, consisting of 90 % water and compensate for fluid loss .

Two . Refreshing the mouth

Cucumber juice cures gum disease and refreshes the mouth. If you suffer from bad breath , put inside your mouth a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of the mouth using the tongue for half a minute.Materials in the vegetable will kill the bacteria responsible for the unpleasant odor .

3 . Fighting cancer

Cucumbers contain three chemical components that maintain a strong relationship with lowering the risk of some types of cancer, including ovarian cancer , breast cancer , prostate cancer and uterine cancer .

4 . Replenish vitamins

Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins we need every day. Vitamins A, B and C stimulate the immune system and give us energy.
it is possible to make the vegetable more powerful if you grind it to a shake with spinach and carrots. Be sure not to peel the cucumber , because the peel contains about 12 % the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.

5 . Fighting the heat inside

Eating cucumber will help you get rid of heartburn troubling , and placing cucumber slices on the skin ease the suffering from sunburn .

6 . Treat diabetes , cholesterol and blood pressure

Cucumber juice includes hormone needed for the production of insulin cells and thus helps in controlling diabetes in patients . In addition, studies have found that another ingredient in cucumber can reduce blood cholesterol levels.
cucumber contains fiber, potassium and magnesium , which help maintaining normal blood pressure and reduce blood pressure.

7 . Promotes digestion and weight loss

Thanks to the fact that cucumber is rich in water and low in calories, is an ideal snack for people wanting to lose weight . Add it to salads or cold soups , and dip it in low fat yogurt .
The cucumber fibers are Excellent for digestion , and you should eat it daily to avoid constipation problems.

8 . Cleaning toxins

Cucumber water function as " virtual broom " clear out waste and toxins from the body . Constant eating of cucumber may even dissolve kidney stones .

9 . Reviving eyes

Place chilled cucumber slices over puffy eyes , and you will find that the swelling decreases, as well as bags under the eyes - all thanks to the anti - inflammatory Abilities of the vegetable.

10. Conceal a hangover

To avoid the typical headache the morning after night of drinking , eating some cucumber slices before going to bed. Cucumber contains vitamin B , sugar and electrolytes that reduce the severity of hangover and with it the intensity of headaches .

11. Smooth the hair and nails

The mineral silica which is within the cucumber smooths the hair and nails and makes them shiny and stronger . Silica and sulfur cucumber encourage new hair growth .

12 . Provide essential minerals to the skin

Cucumber is rich in potassium , magnesium and silicon are essential to the skin , that's the reason why so many spa treatments are based on it.

13 . Helping joint health

Cucumber is an excellent source as stated for silica which contributes to joint health by strengthening connective tissue .
When you mix cucumber and carrot juice, it can also reduce pain caused by arthritis or gout , by lowering the levels of uric acid in the body.

14 . Helping kidney function

Eating cucumbers reduces the level of uric acid in the body , which helps maintain kidney function .


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