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Research reveals that a wicked manager makes his employees sick

New research reveals that a wicked manager makes his employees sick

For 75% of Americans, managers are the main cause of job stress.

A LinkedIn article published in Quartz Magazine revealed that a wicked manager could be just as damaging to employees under him as passive smoking.

This article also states that the more time you spend working on a job where someone pressures you:
The greater the damage to your physical and mental health.

According to Quartz Magazine, data from the American Psychological Association show that 75 percent of American employees believe their managers are the main cause of stress at work.
And yet 59% of them will not quit their jobs.

Statistics show that employees are getting used to their jobs, despite the fact that they are not happy with them.

This miserable situation further complicates their resignation process, as they no longer have the motivation to find a healthier work environment that will improve their situation.

Wicked boss worse than cigarettes

Researchers at Harvard Business School, along with researchers from Stanford University in the US, have compiled data from over 200 studies.

After going through this data, they found that stress at work could be detrimental to employee health:
Just as much exposure to smoke from cigarettes as passive smoking.

When the main cause of stress among most employees is, the risk of losing their jobs.

As a result, these employees are more likely to have 50% more health problems than their colleagues.

Of the employees who work in demanding jobs, there is an expectation to provide more results than they can do in practice and these illogical expectations:
Raise their chances of suffering from serious health problems, by 35%.

In some cases, the problems with managers are nothing more than sympathy.

However, there are many directors like Miranda Priestley from the movie "The Devil Wears Prada," in real life.
But how do you know if you belong to the first or second category?

Wicked executives are too aggressive, narcissistic and even violent at times.

They often say phrases such as:

"You can consider yourself lucky to have this job," and "This place is messy when I'm not around."

Given the current market conditions, it is not easy to make the decision to leave one job and start all over again.

As a result, this situation soon becomes a habit and motivation levels plummet.


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