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How nuts promote health? Important things about nuts!

Nuts are rich in dietary   fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals
1 . Large studies published in recent years have found a link between eating nuts and lower risk of heart disease , diabetes , colon cancer and other chronic diseases.

2 . There is no specific nut that is considered healthier than others, each one have his own benefits and advantages, so its worth vary and eat different kinds of nuts .

3 . Study conducted over thirty years on 119 thousand men and women and was published in 2013 in the journal " New England Journal of Medicine " found that eating about thirty grams of nuts (including peanuts ) a day, seven days a week reduced the risk of death by
20 % during the study period .

4 . Researchers Speculate that the reason for the health benefits of nuts is their unique composition , which includes a variety of substances ( phytochemicals ) with capability of antioxidant and anti -inflammatory processes , Prevents cells from multiplying, lowers blood cholesterol levels and even fights against viruses.

Nuts have a low content of saturated fat5 . A large part of these wonderful phytochemicals are heat resistant , so even roasted nuts contain them.

6 . Nuts have a low content of saturated fat and high content of monounsaturated fat. They are rich in dietary fiber, protein, vitamins (especially choline, vitamin B6, B3 and vitamin E) and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and manganese.

7 .  Thanks to the benefits listed in the previous section, approved FDA Administration to issue a statement on the health of nuts packaging, that eating 40 grams of nuts a day, as part of a healthy menu low in fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

8 .  Because of the high fat content of nuts, they are very rich in calories - about 600 calories and even a little more in a hundred grams.

9 . Although nuts are high in calories, studies have found that people tend to eat nuts are not more fat than people who do not consume them. Probably the combination of protein, fat and fiber increases satiety, leading to a relatively moderate caloric consumption.

10 . Fat from the Eaten nuts inhibits the rise in blood sugar and increases the feeling of fullness. But as with anything, it is important also with nuts not to overdo.

11 . It is recommended to eat nuts in salads, pastries, or as they are. Want the perfect snack to eat? Combine nuts and fruit.


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