Nuts health and Their Nutrient excellence for our body.
Walnuts -Calories 654 in 100 grams | 8 walnut halves contain 100 calories
Nutrient excellence: Walnuts contain the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acid ( alpha linolenic acid ) - Three walnuts provide the recommended daily amount of alpha-linolenic acid for women, four nuts a day - men. Since our menu does not contain enough omega- 3 , walnuts are an important addition.
What else you should know : Walnuts contain unique phytochemicals with antioxidant activity and inflammation. Speculate that these materials help reduce cancer risk .
Pecans -
Calories 691 in 100 grams | 10 Pecans halves contain 100 calories
Nutrient excellence : Pecans contain the highest amount of antioxidants called phenols, and therefore the power to neutralize oxidation processes more effectively . Phenols attribute a protective effect against heart disease , cancer and more.
What else you should know : Pecans are rich in zinc , manganese and vitamin E.
Hazelnut -
Calories 628 in 100 grams | 11 nuts contain 100 calories
Nutrient excellence : Hazelnuts contain 82 % monounsaturated fat (like olive oil ) , important for heart health.
This Fat is supposed to be the main fat in our diet , and hazelnuts (with macadamia nuts ) are considered his best suppliers .
What else you should know : Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E, copper and iron.
Brazil nuts -
Calories 656 in 100 grams | 3 nuts contain 100 calories
Nutrient excellence: Brazil nuts contain the highest amount of selenium compared to other nuts . One nut contains the daily amount required for men and women . Selenium plays a role in the body's ability to neutralize oxidation processes and is essential to proper functioning of thyroid hormones and vitamin C.
Pistachios -
Calories 562 in 100 grams | 25 nuts contain 100 calories
Nutrient excellence : pistachios are rich in vitamin B6, 25 pistachios contain nearly a third of the required daily amount of vitamin for women and about one fifth of what men daily need. This vitamin is important for creating amino acids such as serotonin - a brain chemical that affects mood, feeling of relaxation, satiation and snooze .
What else you should know : pistachio nut is also the richest in phytosterols - substances that help to lower blood cholesterol .
Cashews -
Calories : 553 calories in 100 grams | 12 nuts contain 100 calories
Nutrient excellence : cashews are the highest containing of Iron and copper . 12 cashews have almost half the recommended daily amount of copper for men and women . Copper participates in vital processes such as oxidation prevention and control allergic reactions. 12 cashew nuts provide 16 % of daily iron needed for men and 7 % of that required for women. Iron is important , among other things, prevent anemia and cashew nuts are a great source of iron , especially among vegans .
What else you should know : Cashew nut is the least fattening - only 46 % of its weight is fat vs. 60 % fat in most nuts.
Almonds -
Calories 579 in 100 grams | 14 almonds contain 100 calories
Medal : almonds holding triple record - they contain the highest amount ( compared to other nuts ), calcium , vitamin E and fiber . The fibers are important for proper digestion , calcium is essential for bone health and normal functioning of the nervous system and Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant in the body - helps prevent various chronic diseases .
Pine nuts
Calories 673 in 100 grams | about three tablespoons pine nuts contain 100 calories
Medal : pine nuts are rich in zinc and manganese than any other nut . Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of receptors in the body and is part of many enzymes , including the enzyme that breaks down alcohol.
Plays an important building and bone -related processes in the normal functioning of amino acids , cholesterol and carbohydrates.
What else you should know : pine nuts are the seeds of the pine tree and take them under pineal dander of a particular species of pine.
Calories : 567 calories in 100 grams | 17 peanuts contain 100 calories
Medal : peanuts contain the highest amount of protein and folic acid compared to other nuts. Thanks to high protein content you should combine peanut in a vegan and vegetarian menu . Folic acid is critical for normal functioning of cells, to prevent birth defects in the fetus and removal of harmful substance ( homocysteine ) that causes atherosclerosis and clotting disorder .
What else you should know : peanuts are exceptional , they do not grow on trees ( except the ground ) and belong to the legume family , which explains their high protein content.
Macadamia nuts
Calories 718 in 100 grams | five nuts contain 100 calories
Nutrient excellence : macadamia nuts (with hazelnuts ) are the champions of monounsaturated fat ( like that of olive oil ) which should be the main fat in our diet . Although macadamia nut is high in calorie , but when you eat it with control it is very healthy for the heart.
What else you should know : the origin of macadamia nuts is in Australia . This is the most fatty nut ( contains 74 % fat ) which explains the high calorific value ( and exquisite buttery taste ) .
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