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Life changing Scientific facts for Health

Scientific facts that will change your life Optimism prolongs life In a study conducted at the University of Northwestern, researchers looked at two groups of people aged 80-100 who had a poor lifestyle - smoking, drinking alcohol, and little sleep. On the face of it, factors that are a reason why people do not prolong life. But this group had a common and conspicuous common denominator - they all had an optimistic view. Professor Emily Rogelsky, the lead researcher, concluded that a positive view of life was what protected them from disease and aging problems, better than good nutrition and lack of bad habits. Be optimistic! Sleep can reduce cravings for sugar     In a study conducted at King's University in London, scientists found that there was a connection between the number of hours a person slept and his sugar consumption. The study involved two groups, one of whom slept an hour and a half more at night. After about a month, the group that slept more, re

8 Foods that will help you Fight Stress

The 8 Foods that will help you Fight Stress, calm and soothe you! Under stress - whether it is work, study or a relation, dietary habits change substantially. Some people lose their hunger when under stress whilst others tend to overeat - most often fatty, sugary and junk foods. Always blaming stress for making poor food choices is not the right approach. In fact, making the right food choices will help stabilize blood sugar levels and your emotional response. Good nutrition helps in balancing your stress hormones, relieving stress and boosting your mood. Here are 8 Foods that will help you Fight Stress which will calm and soothe you. LEAFY GREENS : Leafy greens contain folate that produces dopamine in your brain. Dopamine is involved in the emotional regulation in the brain thus keeping you happy. Besides folate, magnesium in the leafy greens also helps in keeping us calm and good. SEEDS : Seeds like the sunflower seeds, flax seeds, watermelon seeds, etc have stress-reducing be

Oregano Oil The Powerful Herb For Healthy Life

Oregano Oil The Powerful Herb - Parts used and where grown   Oregano is an aromatic perennial herb that can grow to about two feet in height. It is native to the Mediterranean region but is cultivated worldwide. In addition to European oregano, there are several types of related species, including Greek/Turkish oregano (Origanum onites) and Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens, Lippa palmeri). These should not be considered substitutes for true oregano, though they may have similar properties. The leaves as well as the volatile oil of these various species are used medicinally, but must be carefully distinguished as they are quite different. Oregano Oil Support Immune Function By Assisting In Targeting Foreign Microbes! Oil of Oregano is an herbal product that has been used since Biblical times. It was widely used in ancient Greece for many medical purposes. Oregano is an ancient culinary herb whose name means "joy-of-the-mountain". It

Great Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

The Great Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds Grab a handful and read on! 1.Heart and Liver Health Pumpkin seeds, rich in healthy fats, antioxidants and fibers, may provide benefits for heart and liver health, particularly when mixed with flax seeds. 2. Cancer Prevention The phytochemicals in pumpkin seeds are very effective at moderating human hormones, with implications for cancer prevention and treatment. Pumpkin seed extract has been found to inhibit the growth of prostate, colorectal, and breast cancer cells. 3. Reduced Cholesterol Phytoestrogens in pumpkin seed oil increase high-density lipoproteins (HDL, “good” cholesterol) and decrease blood pressure. High levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein, “bad” cholesterol) and high blood pressure are contributors to heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. 4. Diabetes Pumpkin seeds have significant and quick-acting anti-diabetic properties. In fact, they are said to reduce glucose levels and help maintain blood sugar balance. 5. Men

The healing power of herbs

Lemon Balm (Melissa) Calming and cheering, lemon balm can relieve mild depression, irritability, anxiety and panic. Can calm palpitations. Good for digestive problems caused by stress or anxiety. Externally, helps with herpes sores including cold sores. Garlic Antibiotic, especially effective for bronchitis and other chest infections. Reduces blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart attacks. Thins the blood, helping to prevent strokes. Antiseptic and antifungal, helpful for athlete’s foot, infectious rashes and warts. Contraindications: may irritate the digestive tract in some people; not to be taken by nursing mothers as it can cause colic in the baby. Ginger Calms the gastro-intestinal tract, preventing travel sickness and nausea. May be useful for morning sickness in pregnancy (check with your doctor). Eases symptoms of colds, flu, bronchitis and whooping cough. Also thins the blood to reduce stroke risk.   Ginseng (Korean) Relieves stress. Although gen

omega-3 benefits that Your Body Needs

Omega-3 -Your Body Needs it What happens if you don’t have enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet? Symptoms you can expect include fatigue, mood swings, depression, poor circulation, and memory problems. Clinical research has demonstrated the importance of omega-3 fatty acids not only in how well our bodies function, but how well they prevent health problems. Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and improve cognitive function. In infants and children, omega-3 fatty acids promote healthy growth and development and help prevent nerve disorders and vision problems. Plus, these essential fatty acids help lower your risk for heart disease, certain cancers, arthritis, and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. How Much Omega-3 Your Body Needs? Since the body cannot create its own supply of this essential nutrient, it helps to know, which omega-3 foods you should be eating. Healthy adults should aim for between 250-2000mg of omega-3 daily, per the

How does a fat burners helps us?

Fat burners - What is it? Fat burners (or thermogenics) are dietary supplements that contain herbal extracts and stimulants that use the process of thermogenesis to encourage weight loss. Thermogenesis is where the core body temperature is increased, in turn giving a boost to the metabolic rate, helping the body to burn off unwanted fat and calories. Fat burners can help to kick-start this process even if you are not exercising which make them a very attractive option for people with a more sedentary lifestyle.   The Chinese herb ephedra (Ephedrine) used to be a common component in many natural fat burners but due to its harmful and unpleasant side effects was withdrawn from general sale. Today it is only available in cases of extreme obesity, under prescription and strict supervision by a doctor. How Can Fat Burners Help Me Lose Weight? Fat burners work in a couple of ways; some can help to burn calories as heat or energy and others can help to promote the release of adrenal