It has especially impressive abilities to protect you from anemia, cancer, aging, bone fractures, heart attacks, infections and more. In addition to all of these it is also excellent for diet, then open your minds to it, and your mouth to eat it.
9 powerful Health benefits of fennel vegetable.
Fennel not only helps our body, but also the ability to think. The same potassium, which helps us to control blood pressure and prevent heart disease and stroke, is an electrolyte that also helps in the electrical transmission in the body, including the important electrical conduction that occurs in the brain. Potassium helps our cognitive functioning, that is, our ability to think and understand. In addition, the contribution of potassium to the expansion of blood vessels allows more oxygen to reach the brain, so do not be surprised if you feel more sharp and smart after a meal that includes a dose of fennel vegetable.
Many of the products we purchase in order to lose weight are based on increasing the sense of satiety and suppressing the desire for sweet and salty foods. Fennel vegetable can help you do this naturally, along with significant savings in financial expenses, while helping your body and improving your health in the various ways described so far. The secret of his magic lies in the high amount of dietary fiber he has which intensify and extend the sense of satiety after eating. Studies have shown that people who added 14 grams of dietary fiber to their diet, without changing any other ingredient, ate 10 percent fewer calories a day and dropped 1.8 kilograms after 4 months. In an average fennel weight of 230 grams, there are about 7 grams of fiber, which means that eating 2 units a day may help you lower the extra pounds of your weight in a short time. Just note that you will not exceed the recommended daily intake of 25 grams of fiber.
9 powerful Health benefits of fennel vegetable.
1. Prevents anemia
Iron and amino acid histidine, which are found in the fennel, are two essential substances that fight anemia. While iron encourages the production of hemoglobin in the blood, hestidine helps produce red blood cells and is therefore important in preventing anemia and encouraging oxygen supply to the tissues.2. Helps digestion
In Indian culture it is customary to chew fennel seeds after meals to help digestion and prevent bad breath. The fennel wich is filled with dietary fiber, relieves digestive problems such as abdominal cramps, gas and constipation. One fennel has about 7 grams of dietary fiber, which is about 28 percent of the recommended daily intake. fennel also reduces acidity in the stomach and intestines and helps in better absorption of nutrients found in the food we consume. The espartic acid that is in fennel, is one that actually absorbs gases, so that the fennel vegetable is especially recommended for anyone who feels bloated after a meal.3. Prevents heart disease and stroke
As noted above, the fennel vegetable contains a large amount of dietary fiber, and besides the benefit it gives to our digestive system, it also contributes to the protection of heart health. The reason for this is that the intakes reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and, indirectly, also the risk of heart disease and stroke resulting from blocked blood vessels. Besides the fiber, fennel vegetable also contains vitamins C and B, which also help your body to keep your heart healthy.4. Blood pressure balance
Fennel vegetable has a large amount of potassium, an essential mineral to our body, one of whose benefits is linked to vascular expansion. This means that the consumption of fennel helps to reduce the pressure exerted on the blood vessels, thereby reducing the blood pressure itself. Because of this effect, it can be said that fennel protects us from heart disease, stroke and atherosclerosis, also because of the potassium in it. For diabetics this advantage is especially important, since high blood pressure makes it difficult for them to regulate their insulin and glucose levels.
5. Improves brain function
Fennel not only helps our body, but also the ability to think. The same potassium, which helps us to control blood pressure and prevent heart disease and stroke, is an electrolyte that also helps in the electrical transmission in the body, including the important electrical conduction that occurs in the brain. Potassium helps our cognitive functioning, that is, our ability to think and understand. In addition, the contribution of potassium to the expansion of blood vessels allows more oxygen to reach the brain, so do not be surprised if you feel more sharp and smart after a meal that includes a dose of fennel vegetable.6. Strengthens the immune system
In one glass of chopped fennel vegetable,there is 20% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which is essential and natural antioxidant that strengthens our immune system and protects our body from inflammation, heart disease and various cancers. Vitamin C is also one of the partners in the production of collagen in the body - an essential protein for the production of connective tissues and soft tissues that protect us against pollutants.7. Regulates menstruation and encourages the production of breast milk
Fennel vegetable also has female-only benefits, thanks to phytoestrogen molecules, which helps to balance the female hormonal system. Fennel vegetable components use a variety of pre-menstrual medicine treatments, and its consumption as a vegetable will help you cope with the symptoms of menopause and the lack of estrogen. For those still at birth and breastfeeding stage, the fennel vegetable is also known as a vegetable that helps to produce breast milk in cases where mothers suffer from a lack of it.8. Improvement of vision
The benefits of fennel affect even our vision, as the green protects the eyes from inflammation and helps prevent premature aging of vision and macular degeneration. The antioxidants in the fennel, derived from vitamin C and amino acids such as arginine, are very effective in renewing tissues and preventing damage to vision associated with the effects of age. You can consume the vegetable as it is or make it juice that can be placed with the use of patches on the eye area to reduce irritation and fatigue. The fennel vegetable also contains flavonoids, other antioxidants known to protect vision.9. Helps in weight loss

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