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What should you eat to treat painful joints?

How to treat painful joints!

Fish, low-fat yogurt, berries, green tea, beans, onions and nuts - foods that fight inflammation and have a great effect like you grease to your joints. And then there are foods you should avoid

Arthritis is a general name for situations where joint pain are due to infections. While there is no diet that can completely cure the infection or prevent it, but the power of certain foods that fight inflammation, strengthen your bones and boost your immune system, and the power of others increase it. What should you eat and what you should avoid?

Foods that contribute to the joints!


mullet, trout,tuna and herring are rich in omega-3 all - fatty acids and polyunsaturated and anti-inflammatory. Omega-3 acids facilitate the symptoms of arthritis, atherosclerosis and other chronic infections. It is recommended to eat 100 grams of fish 3-4 times a week.

Those who do not like the taste of fish, and looking for another source of omega-3 fatty acids will find it in dietary supplements in smaller amounts in soybeans.

Berries and citrus fruits

Studies show that anthocyanin - the pigment that gives cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and other berries red color - anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamin C, found in abundance in orange, grapefruit and lemon, also helps prevent infections - it is an antioxidant and plays an important role in maintaining healthy cartilage.

 Greens and cruciferous vegetables

to those who are allergic to lactose it is recommended to eat plenty of green vegetables - spinach, parsley, kale and broccoli. Besides calcium which is essential for bone density, broccoli is also rich in vitamin K and C and Bsolforofan. Studies suggest a link between consumption of Solforofan and the prevention of cancer and arthritis pain. Cruciferous vegetables like kohlrabi, cabbage and cauliflower have anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea
Green tea's have high concentration of natural antioxidants, in their power to protect cells against carcinogens and neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants also relax the blood vessels and prevent the development of inflammation and cartilage erosion. Antioxidant Afiglokttzin- 3 -galt blocking the formation of molecules that cause damage to the joints.

Garlic and onions
Studies have shown a link between eating garlic, onions and leeks and reducing the risk of developing arthritis. The researchers believe that the component Dialildisolfin that is found in garlic fights the activity of enzymes which affect cartilage. Garlic and onions (and asparagus, radish,turnips and kohlrabi)  are also high in sulfur - important material for cartilage and bone rehabilitation.

nuts. Heart friendly and excellent for weight loss

Nuts: Besides being a great source of protein, calcium, magnesium and vitamin E, nuts such as pecans, pistachios, pine nuts and walnuts are also rich in fiber. They are friendly to the heart and great for weight loss - a process that helps reduce the load exerted on the joints.

Where it is possible and suitable to add taste to the food is is recommended adding the spice turmeric, which is considered a condiment helps to reduce pain and inflammation.

Foods you should avoid

Avoid as much as possible red meat, poultry, shellfish, seafood, inner organs,eggs, dairy products, cold cuts and sausages. It is recommended to reduce or even avoid the consumption of vegetables from the family Solanaceae:
tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and eggplants.

Many studies suggest a link between consumption of processed and fried foods and the development of infections. These foods usually contain huge quantities of salt and preservatives which prolong the shelf life of food but shorten the life of cells in the body. Too much sugar - candy, chocolate, sweetened drinks, pastries and sweet treats - can have the same impact. In part us to increased consumption of salt, preservatives and sugar can result in arthritis. Uncontrolled consumption of processed foods, salt and sugar is essential to control inflammation avoid them and replace them with fruits and vegetables.

One last thing: in 2016 not sure anyone needs further mention the harm of smoking and drinking alcohol, and yet - healthy joints require a balanced diet, regular exercise and a good night's sleep. All of these go wrong when getting into your daily routine liquor and cigarettes. Therefore, while avoiding processed foods and consumption of good fats, omega-3 and fiber, try to avoid either of these.


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