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Alternative healing treatments with basil herb

More natural alternative healing treatments with basil herb.   IN India they call the basil herb - Tulsi The basil plant is also an important component in Ayurvedic syrups for cough relieving and as a medicine  for expectorant properties, because it helps the operation of mucus in cases of bronchitis and asthma. Ayurvedic Materials which contain Tulsi (basil) known for their ability to significantly decrease the symptoms of  Liver Viral infection and low blood sugar in cases of diabetes. Also these materials can soothe and relieve cases of colic and dyspepsia. Chewing the leaves of basil eases in cases of colds or flu and a few drops of its essence inside the ears relives the pain in case of earache. When cooked with tea it can prevent malaria and Dengue Fever. In the case of very high fever You can cook the basil leaves extract and Ground cardamom in water and mix with sugar and milk. This mixture can lower the heat when drinking it. Tulsi (basil) leaves can lower a fever, and t

How nuts promote health? Important things about nuts!

1 . Large studies published in recent years have found a link between eating nuts and lower risk of heart disease , diabetes , colon cancer and other chronic diseases. 2 . There is no specific nut that is considered healthier than others, each one have his own benefits and advantages, so its worth vary and eat different kinds of nuts . 3 . Study conducted over thirty years on 119 thousand men and women and was published in 2013 in the journal " New England Journal of Medicine " found that eating about thirty grams of nuts (including peanuts ) a day, seven days a week reduced the risk of death by 20 % during the study period . 4 . Researchers Speculate that the reason for the health benefits of nuts is their unique composition , which includes a variety of substances ( phytochemicals ) with capability of antioxidant and anti -inflammatory processes , Prevents cells from multiplying, lowers blood cholesterol levels and even fights against viruses. 5 . A large part o

Basil herb remedy for treatment of anxiety disorder

Under the concept of anxiety disorders, there are several types of mental unrest situations, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, post-traumatic anxiety. Anxiety often also causes insomnia - but the good news is the herb basil, basil also helps sleep disorders and anxiety disorders. How? The basil herb is not only in the kitchen - but also  have it's gift in helping a more relaxed mind. The Indians calls it Tulsi and use it for thousands of years to treat a variety of diseases. Leaves of basil are bright hairy and aromatic and contains tannins, flavonoids and unique essential oils . In folk medicine it is drank as tea infusion but the West has learned the values ​​of its health benefits and produce from it capsules, and extracts for a wide variety of medical problems . Basil is very beneficial with anxiety and insomnia According to a study published in 2008 taking 500 m"g of basil capsules twice a day after meals can significantly re

Green coffee beans causes weight loss, lowering blood pressure.

They are green, very bitter and very effective in losing weight , lowering blood pressure ,reducing blood glucose and blood lipids . Meet the green coffee beans - before they are roasted and get grind into the coffee we are familiar with you can prepare from them a particularly effective extraction against obesity. Coffee is one of the drinks that stimulate and most sought after tea and water , mainly due to caffeine the beans contain in them . Green coffee beans are a new component in the market. those green beans comes from the plant called Coffee Arabica , which were known to have many ingredients that are known for their health benefits that also includes polyphenols with strong antioxidant properties similar to green tea or grape seed . The wonder coffee bean dissolves fat Sensational new study found that green coffee bean extract helps reduce weight without side effects and without a change in lifestyle and diet. The study subjects were taking nutritional supplements of

Why do scents evoke memories in us?

That happens to all of us : a certain smell wafted through the air , and suddenly we remember a person or event from the past. Sometimes a pleasant memory , sometimes not, but always powerful . Researchers have been aware for many years to the wonderful memory humans have for odors , but a new study sheds light on how odors are tied to memories of the past. Researchers from the University of Science and Technology in Norway recently discovered the brain process behind the phenomenon of tying smells and memories , according to research published in Nature magazine . According to the study , the brain connects odors situations through a network of neurons ( nerve cells ) to create links between them . Communication between cells is performed at a frequency of 20-40 Hz. According to the research team leader , the fact that nerve cells need to communicate to create synchronization between events was known , but the specific process in which memories are tied to specific odors was not cle

Green is Healthy for the whole body : 14 reasons to eat a cucumber

If you feel like nibble a vegetable - it is better that it be a cucumber. It is rich in minerals needed for the skin , in water preventing dehydration , beneficial fiber that help diet and a variety of other ingredients that contribute to health kidneys , joints, and our blood pressure . All the right reasons to convince you to add it to the salad, yogurt , or to a refreshing shake Cucumber is one of the most recommended vegetables for maintaining health , and is often considered as a Super Food . " What exactly it does to our body ? One . Prevent dehydration If you are too busy during the day to drink enough water , be sure to at least eat cucumber, consisting of 90 % water and compensate for fluid loss . Two . Refreshing the mouth Cucumber juice cures gum disease and refreshes the mouth. If you suffer from bad breath , put inside your mouth a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of the mouth using the tongue for half a minute.Materials in the vegetable will kill the

Human nose can detect trillion odors

U.S. researchers claim that, contrary to common perception that we are able to distinguish 10,000 different smells - our sense of smell is far more developed and able to distinguish between trillion (thousand billion) different smells - well over 10,000 smells scientists assumed so far that we can detect. The study was published in the journal Science. How do they check it? For several decades it was stated in the scientific literature that the human nose can detect approximately 10,000 odors, "says Leslie washell from the  Rockefeller University in New York, co-author of the study." This number was agreed among the experts, but our analysis shows that our ability to detect different smells is much more advanced from that. washell claim that it was surprising until now that our sense of smell was relatively limited compared to the other senses ,which are advanced much more : the human eye can distinguish up to ten million colors and the ear detects 340,000 tones , for example