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Health Tricks for Nausea, Insomnia, numbness and stress that work

Peanut Butter for Insomnia and Alcohol Wipes for Nausea:

Doctor Recommends "Health Tricks That Really Work"

Dr. Anthony Ion shared health tricks he said "really work," including a teaspoon of peanut butter for a quick falling asleep and alcohol wipes for nausea

The Certified Plastic Surgeon - known as the "Holistic Plastic Surgeon of America" ​​- has put at the top of his list of tricks a method to get rid of nausea. In the video, he said, "Smell an alcohol wipe. Doctors and nurses use it all the time to help with nausea." He is right: a 2015 study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine found that inhalation of isopropyl alcohol vapors reduced nausea by more than 50 percent compared to other drugs, including anti-nausea drugs given to chemotherapy patients. The researchers did not find a clear explanation for this, but said it may be a "disorder of the sense of smell," or a distraction from the feeling of nausea. That is, it may be possible to achieve the same effect with other strong odors.

His next tip, which may be helpful for insomniacs, is to try a teaspoon of peanut butter before bed. Dr. Ion said, "Peanut butter contains tryptophan to help you fall asleep." Indeed, studies have found that the amino acid tryptophan is one of the substances involved in the production of serotonin in the brain that makes it easier to fall asleep.

He also shared a quick fix to get rid of numbness in the hand when she falls asleep. According to Dr. Ion, you just have to "rock your head from side to side a few times." He said, "It will soothe your neck and make your arm come back to life."

The doctor ended the tips with a quick tip for dealing with stress: "Try closing your eyes, inhaling into a count of four and then exhaling out into a count of eight. Do this a few times and you will feel much better," he said.


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