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What is Corona Virus and how the virus affects our body

Step by step: This is how the corona virus affects our body

What is the crown that surrounds the new corona virus, and why is it the key to its action in the body? This is how the infectious virus spreads at a dizzying pace in the world - and thus it takes over the human body

The medical world continues to investigate the violent corona virus, which has become one of humanity's most infectious and infected so far Hundreds of thousands of people. Just weeks after the spread of the pandemic in the world, scientists have been able to learn quite a bit about the virus, crack its structure and understand how it penetrates the human body and causes severe morbidity.
The new corona virus, called COVID-19, is the seventh in the corona virus family. The SARS virus also belongs to the Corona family, causing a global epidemic in 2003 and 2004. COVID-19, like others, has a crown of spider-like proteins around it, which is the key that allows it to easily penetrate human body cells

Unlike bacteria that have their own lives, viruses cannot live outside a living cell. To reproduce, they must penetrate a living cell, take over the hereditary charge, "steal" it and replicate themselves to infect more cells.
So does the new Corona virus. Using the same "spikes" in the outer mantle, the corona viruses attach to receptors on the respiratory tract cells, called ACE-2. This adherence transmits the corona virus to stage two, where additional proteins from the mantle dissolve the human cell  mantle, and thus the virus penetrates into the nucleus of the cell, replicating itself with the human cell's DNA-containing charge.

However, the corona virus does not always work well: many people who will be infected with the virus will not develop any symptoms at all. The virus will be found in their bodies, but the immune system will be able to destroy it even before it can penetrate cells and destroy it. In others, the virus will cause a very mild illness that will probably lead to fever. In this situation, the body raises the temperature to lead to an uncomfortable environment for corona virus activity, injecting white blood cells that destroy the virus.
If the virus has been able to penetrate the respiratory tract cells, it will begin to multiply and infect more cells quickly, creating a condition called "immune storm". In this condition, the body sends huge amounts of white blood cells to the viruses that are scavenging, destroying them, while also destroying healthy lung cells. This condition is known as pneumonia in which some patients suffer from the corona virus.

In some cases, the disease becomes very turbulent. More and more corona viruses are rapidly replicating, and the immune system is unable to cope. More and more lung cells are damaged, up to the condition of lung failure and the need for artificial respiration. The virus can also spread to the bloodstream, where it can cause sepsis - a general infection leading to hypertension - and subsequent to cardiac arrest and death.

Around the world, about 100 trials are being conducted on drugs that try to cope with various mechanisms of the virus, most notably those that allow it to penetrate the human body. Some drugs try to reduce the inflammatory process, others work to prevent the virus from clinging to the cell through receptors, or preventing its replication. In some cases, positive results were obtained leading to a reduction in patients' recovery time and a decrease in the viral load of the virus.
And what is the likelihood of an absolute cure for corona disease? If the virus does not develop rapid genetic changes (mutations), scientists estimate that within a few months, a drug that effectively prevents the virus will be found and will cure patients. A number of companies have already started developing vaccines, but this is a long process, which will only end in a year.


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