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Cannabis CBD Treats help dogs with separation anxiety

CBD Treats help cure dogs with separation anxiety 


The peculiarities of the cannabis plant and especially of the cannabinoid CBD in the treatment of depression and anxiety are recognized in humans, but dogs also appear to be similarly affected. Whitney, who has been trying to treat her dog with a drug-related anxiety about not being able to solve the problem, says about the change she made after giving the dog cannabis Treats for dogs. "She's just calm and happy."

Many studies to date have found that the cannabis plant and especially the cannabinoid CBD have positive qualities in the treatment of depression and anxiety symptoms in humans, but it turns out that not only those who walk on two can enjoy these virtues.

A dog with separation anxiety

In a post published by Whitney Harris on the American Dog Lovers website, "Dogster", she talks about her two-year-old dog Finley who has severe behavioral and psychological problems.

"Unlike other dogs who like to hang out at home and enjoy getting petted from their owners every now and then, Finley has always been restless in every possible situation," Whitney says. "It requires full attention on a regular basis, a requirement that has become quite burdensome over time."

CBD Treats for dogs - to treat separation anxiety and behavior problems

After several consultations with the vet, Finley was diagnosed with severe separation anxiety,
a problem he says is relatively common among adopted dogs.

As part of the veterinarian's offer, Whitney tried to give Finley medication for the treatment of anxiety in humans such as Zanx and Prozac, but her (she is a female dog) condition did not change for the better and even worsened on some days, during which she would bark for hours and act aggressively.

The solution: cannabis cbd Treats for dogs

When she was tired of the failed drug treatment, Whitney was looking for a natural alternative to treating separation anxiety problems. When she heard from other dog owners that there are dog Treats containing CBD and suitable for treating the kind of problem her dog needs, she decided to bring those cbd Treats home.

In her column, Whitney describes how about an hour after Finley had eaten some such Treats, her behavior became significantly quieter and calmer, and she stopped barking almost completely.

"It was the first time I saw her alert, without looking like she was going to explode with energy and stress," she describes. "She was still barking at the postman, but inside the house her behavior became quiet and joyful, and she seemed to be just calm and happy."

Apart from the marked change in the level of tension and concentration, Whitney describes the dog's calm demeanor towards guests coming home, something that has never happened since she was adopted.

"Having seen the incredible change in Finley's behavior, I can't help but think how much I will gain from a similar intake of CBD," she concluded. "I wasn't expecting too much when it came to psychological problems, but I was definitely surprised and delighted by the sweeping impact of the cbd treats as a cure for separation anxiety in dogs."


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