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Foods that can kill cancer cells

These Foods can kill cancer cells


Most of us already know which foods are suspicious or known to be carcinogenic and usually try to avoid eating them, but did you know that there are foods that can cause cancer cells to starve and even commit suicide? Here are 6 of them

The foods and drinks you bring to your body can be a major cause of cancer morbidity, but changes to your regular diet can also greatly reduce your chances of getting sick. If you are already thinking about your diet for prevention, why not try eating foods that can destroy cancer stem cells?

Cancer stem cells are cells that support and encourage the carcinogenic (cancerous) process and have a critical role in the development of cancer, its resistance to drugs and treatments, and the rate of recurrence of the disease. Several studies in the past have indicated that there are foods that can prevent cancer stem cells from developing. So what can you add to the menu to curb the cancerous stem cells that might be circulating in your body?

1. Purple potatoes


Eating one purple potato daily for a week has been found to be an effective method of blocking the stem cells that cause colon cancer. Researchers at Penn State University found that the bio-active anthocyanin found in this specific root vegetable helps reduce the number of tumors and reduces the aggressiveness of cancer cells.


2. Green tea


Chinese researchers have found that green tea can kill cancer stem cells. The active substance EGCG found in green tea causes cancer cells to exert a self-destruct mechanism and may reduce the growth of cancer stem cells by up to 50 percent. 

3. Macha tea

A study by the University of Sanford in England showed that, like the green tea, Macha tea can destroy cancer stem cells in a slightly different way - it cuts them off from their energy sources and causes them to die. This type of tea has been found to be particularly effective against the stem cells that cause breast cancer.

4. Pure virgin olive oil


Olive oil provides the body with a group of substances called squiridoids that have been found to be effective in inhibiting the growth of stem cells that cause breast cancer in laboratory conditions. In animal experiments, it was found that extra virgin olive oil managed to effectively prevent the development of the disease and also moderated the rate of tumor development among research subjects who were already cancerous.

5. Walnuts


Researchers from South Korea have found that eating walnuts can help prevent the development of colorectal cancer, as well as improving their chances of surviving the disease in those who have already developed it. An extract extracted from walnuts and taken for a week by trial participants was found to be effective in reducing the cancer stem cells associated with bowel cancer and stopping their growth by 86 percent. Walnuts contain bio-active substances such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid and elegic acid.

6. Apple peel


A study at the University of Austin, Texas, looked at the efficacy of several dozen active ingredients in natural foods against cancerous processes in the body. Ursulic acid has been found to inhibit the proliferation and development of prostate cancer cells. Ursulic acid is found in peel of apples as well as in blueberries, cranberries, rosemary, lavender and hawthorn.


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