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New weight loss Trends in the 21st Century

New weight loss Trends in the 21st Century 

Whether you’re trying to lose a little extra weight around your waist or struggling with a long term weight problem that is badly affecting your health, this article is for you!
What we are all looking for is a sensible answer to our weight problems, that is quick, healthy, easy to do and easy to keep on doing!

Join the slimming revolution 

So read on and learn which weight loss trends are ‘out’ and discover the method that is most definitely ‘in’ - because it has revolutionized the way that people lose weight in the 21st century! 

Hard exercise is hard work!

One major difference in how people approach their weight loss is the trend away from expensive gym memberships and personal fitness instructors.  Whilst these two methods are certainly very helpful in burning up calories and getting people lighter and fitter, it’s sheer hard work and very time-consuming.

A temporary fix

If you rely on an exercise regime to make your body burn off the extra calories you eat, you have to keep up the same rate of activity forever.  Because the minute you stop exercising, your excess weight will come back to haunt you!


Smart Technology – not smart enough!

Through smart phones and tablets, there are now lots of new apps and websites with low-calorie meal plans and other slimming tips. 
But - the downside is the cost to your pocket and to your self-esteem!
Until someone invents an app which will do the shopping and prepare me a super-tasty low calorie meal - every day - I’m not really interested in being made to feel guilty about lacking the time, energy or culinary skills to keep up with their ‘smart’ advice!

And the winner is . . . naturally thermogenic tea!

For rapid and sustained weight loss people need something healthy, but easy to do without lots of fuss!
That’s why synergetically-blended, thermogenic teas have swept the board to become the slimming trend for 21st century dieters. 
The big four obesity-busting teas are Green tea, White tea, Oolong tea and Pu-erh tea. These teas have been scientifically proven - in many international research trials - to create a natural thermogenic, or fat-burning, process in the body.

Blended tea weight loss

Synergy boosts potency ten-fold

Individually, they all contain the efficient thermogenic component called catechin polyphenol. 
Catechins speed up the body’s metabolism in a unique and more efficient way than nerve-jangling caffeine, to burn up excess calories every day without dieting.
Science has proved (see below) that when combined, the potency of these teas is multiplied by a factor of 10 and this is called the Synergy Effect.

Four-way action
In addition, each of the four obesity-blockers has a different and extra benefit:
·         Green tea – fat-burning without dieting or exercise
·         White tea – breaks down fat and restricts the formation of new fat cells
·         Pu–erh tea – drains excess fluids and keeps stomach feeling full longer
·         Oolong tea – a natural appetite suppressant with a delicious flavor

By taking these four teas in a synergetic blend, the speed of weight loss is increased by 10 times! And it works without cutting out your favorite foods.  
So - if you’ve been searching for a simple, healthy, natural and no-fuss way to drop weight fast - without going hungry – you know what to do!
Mou tea is a delicious blend of the finest Green, White, Pu-erh and Oolong tea which has a delightfully aromatic fragrance and a light, fresh taste with lingering notes of honey.


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