Cruciferous family is known with its nutritional and health benefits. Now, a new study has found that the chemicals found in these vegetables have the ability to destroy cancer stem cells that conventional therapies have failed in destroying them
Although there are a lot of people who doesn't consume them, or dislike eating them, but the cruciferous family that includes broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts may one day be useful to you. A new study found that various compounds and certain enzymes that are naturally present in these vegetables may actually prevent the recurrence of certain cancers by killing cancer stem cells.

The study, which comes from the University of South Dakota Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences, focused mainly on the so-called Fnilaizotiotziant component (PEITC) and is found in cruciferous vegetables. This ingredient has been shown in the past as an anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory, but this is the first time that researchers have found that this compound is also effective against cancer stem cells which survived after conventional treatments of chemotherapy and radiation and may spread over the body if not destroyed.

In the study, researchers placed human cervical cancer stem cells in a petri dish, and found that in 75 percent of cases stem cells died within 24 hours of treatment. Although researchers have used large amounts of PEITC concentrated, but continuing research also found that lung cancer tissues of a mouse that were treated with a lower concentrations of PEITC had show good results.
Cancer cells with the potential for renewal

Cancer stem cells are primarily responsible for the spread of tumors and allow cancer to return after chemotherapy and remission. Although they are only about 5 percent of the tumor, but still have the potential to regenerate and spread elsewhere in the body. The researchers compared it to weeds in the garden which were pulled - but if their roots were not removed, they can grow back. In recent years, many scientists are trying to develop targeted treatments for these cell types. The good news from this study is that with a diet rich in these vegetables, you can provide your body with additional protection against cancer cells.
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