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Pepper for pain , rosemary improve memory - spices Wellness

Pepper for pain , rosemary improve memory - spices Wellness

Maybe you did not know , but the spices and herbs are defined as super food .
The reason : They are rich in substances that contribute to our health , and do so with relatively small dose volume .

The clinical dietitian nurit clipper advice us what spices and herbs we should include in our menu and what do they contribute to our overall health.

Careful examination of spices and herbs slot them in the category of  " super foods " . These foods are rich in antioxidants and many other vital ingredients that helps our health. It seems that one of the biggest benefits of spices and herbs is that you get their nutritional value and many health benefits when using relatively small dose . Also, the range of their many flavors can contribute to a feeling of satisfaction during the meal and thus also for weight control , because you can make do with a small and tasty portion.

herbs are produced from leaves of different plants . Condiments , however, are generated from different part of the plant : bud , sprout, tree bark , root, seeds, flowers and more. They Belong to the fruits and vegetables family and contribute to good nutritional values ​​, relative to the volume of the dish. In addition many antioxidants they contain , it seems that the health benefits also related to the amount of polyphenols from flavonoids found in them, which are known as reducing inflammation characteristics in the body.

Listed below are a number of popular spices and herbs that were researched about their health advantages:

Red pepper ( cayenne )

Red pepper is rich in vitamin A , vitamin E , vitamin K , vitamin C , vitamin B6 and fiber . Can be combined in any recipe , whether it is in meats, rice dishes , vegetables, Sauces and more.

Reducing pain : the active ingredient in red pepper called capsaicin was studied greatly about the context of positive activity in reducing pain, especially pain resulting from Arthritis or psoriasis.

Reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood : a comparison between different cultures, and among those who make use of red pepper in cooking have lower rates of heart attacks and stroke.

 Antioxidants: Red Pepper has antioxidant (Rich with beta- carotene ) reduces free radicals in the body, which can cause chronic disease .

Reducing phlegm : It reduces phlegm from the nose tunnels and from the lungs. You can , for example , add cayenne to tea during a cold, as it stimulates Drainiung mucus from nasal tissue and reduces symptoms of cooling .

Vitamin A: red pepper is an excellent source of vitamin A. in one tablespoon of red pepper there is about 44 % of your daily requirement of it. Vitamin A play an important role on the health of the outer tissue layer of mucous membrane tissue found in the nose , lungs, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, and in fact they are used as the first defense of the body against bacteria.

Ulcer : it may prevent the development of gastric ulcer or eliminate the pain caused him. While hot spices have bad reputation in the context of an ulcer , But the truth is that the active ingredient of cayenne has the ability to destroy invasive bacteria in the digestive system and reduce inflammation in the body.


Rosemary contains fiber, iron and calcium . He fits well in cooking meats , poultry, fish, omelets , soups and tomato paste . You can also add rosemary for cooking vegetables in the oven. You can also crush rosemary into an olive oil and thus prepare dip for bread.

Memory Improvement : Rosemary helps improve blood flow to the head and brain and improve memory .

Anti-inflammatory : Rosemary contains natural anti-inflammatory and possibly improves the severity of asthma attacks .


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