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Burning, but slimming: Health benefits of eating hot pepper

Health benefits of eating hot pepper

It helps in relieving headaches and migraines, provides us with vitamins and minerals and even aids slimming - chili pepper health benefits that make it a worthy addition to the daily diet. What else lies in?
It not only boosts the flavor of the food, but also helps our health: Hot peppers contain vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron, plenty amino acids and carotenoids such as carotene and lutein.

The origin of the hot pepper is from Central America, and came to Europe in the 16th century. Many pepper varieties, different sizes and different level of spiciness, and the dominant active ingredient which is called capsaicin. It is also the material which gives it its characteristic taste.

in the field of alternative medicine, hot pepper is Considered as cooling the body, therefore recommended for use in situations of heat and the flu. He is considered to reinforce the body's immune system, strengthens and balances the digestive system by encouraging the production of bile, disinfects and heals wounds in the gastrointestinal tract.

Moreover, the hot pepper important role is in reducing anesthetic and pain musculoskeletal infections, external treatment: muscle pain, headaches, pain in different neural sources including after surgery, muscle spasms and arthritis.

The virtues of the pepper are also reflected in internal handling by regulate blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, disinfection, treatment of influenza, sore throats, respiratory infections (including allergies, sinusitis and asthma), obesity, ulcers and gastrointestinal gas.


Many studies have shown the remarkable abilities hot pepper have as powerful natural pain reliever. In a study conducted last January at Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands, found that capsaicin great contribution in driving increased blood in the forehead, hence the assumption that the expansion of blood vessels nerve neuralgia (triangle) in humans migraine relief. When during migraine is taking place, it  shrink blood vessels in the eyes and forehead mostly and cause pain.

This study supports the findings presented several years ago, at  the 47th Allergy and Immunology Conference of Western society, whereby pepper ease quickly and efficiently a wide spectrum of headaches and migraines as a result of premenstrual syndrome, stress and more. It was also found that hot peppers could quickly relieve symptoms of allergies and sinusitis characterized by congestion, runny nose, sneezing, tears and redness in the eyes.

Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States showed the usefulness of capsaicin in treating neurological disorders and different sorts of pain. Their conclusions were that capsaicin effectively treat psoriasis, itching and headache. Also, capsaicin is most effective for itching and pain appearing after various surgeries, gingivitis, allergies, skin cancer, musculoskeletal pain and different states of neural dysfunction.


In 2006 the University of California researchers have found that capsaicin in the United States potentially stop the spread of prostate cancer in mice, while it causes cancer cells to die.

In the same year University of Michigan researchers found that the combination of ginger and hot pepper in mice stops the development of certain cancers, such as pancreas, using the same mechanism was discovered in California and by Self-Destruct of cancer cells .

Against Obesity

At the same time, several studies over the past decade have found that hot peppers have also made a substantial contribution in creating satiety, weight loss and improvement in insulin levels after meals, compared to meals not included pepper.

Researchers from Fukuoka, Japan, for example, found that consumption of hot peppers in your diet suppresses appetite. South Korea Daegu University researchers claim that capsaicin pepper contributes significantly to weight loss due to the fact that it encourages the expression of certain proteins, which reduce blood lipid levels.

So the next time you cut pepper, know you have added something good to the body - not just  to your taste buds.


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