Lemon Balm (Melissa) Calming and cheering, lemon balm can relieve mild depression, irritability, anxiety and panic. Can calm palpitations. Good for digestive problems caused by stress or anxiety. Externally, helps with herpes sores including cold sores. Garlic Antibiotic, especially effective for bronchitis and other chest infections. Reduces blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart attacks. Thins the blood, helping to prevent strokes. Antiseptic and antifungal, helpful for athlete’s foot, infectious rashes and warts. Contraindications: may irritate the digestive tract in some people; not to be taken by nursing mothers as it can cause colic in the baby. Ginger Calms the gastro-intestinal tract, preventing travel sickness and nausea. May be useful for morning sickness in pregnancy (check with your doctor). Eases symptoms of colds, flu, bronchitis and whooping cough. Also thins the blood to reduce stroke risk. Ginseng (Korean) Relieves stress. Although...
Health and healthy life starts with Healthy lifestyle