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What vegetable is healthier carrots or yams

Both carrots and yams are nutritious and offer unique health benefits. Here’s a comparison based on their nutritional profiles: Carrots 1. Nutritional Highlights: Calories: Lower calorie content (about 41 calories per 100g). Vitamin A: Extremely high in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A (334% of the daily recommended intake per 100g). Fiber: Good source of dietary fiber (2.8g per 100g). Antioxidants: Contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial for eye health. Other Nutrients: Contains vitamins C, K, and B6, and minerals like potassium. 2. Health Benefits: Eye Health: High in beta-carotene, which is essential for vision. Antioxidant Properties: Helps combat oxidative stress. Digestive Health: Fiber content aids in digestion and regularity. Yams 1. Nutritional Highlights: Calories: Higher in calories (about 118 calories per 100g). Vitamin C: Good source of vitamin C (about 20% of the daily recommended intake per 100g). Fiber: Also a good sour
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